Enhanced Face Covering Announcement
September 6, 2020
Out of an abundance of caution and concern for student and staff safety, Jackson County Schools is increasing the face covering requirement for students in grades 2 and below. Students in grades 2 and below will now wear face-coverings at the following times: 1) when riding a school bus, 2) when entering and exiting school facilities, 3) when in congregant areas such as hallways, restrooms, and other areas where they mix with other groups of students, and 4) in classrooms when social distancing may not be possible. Jackson County Schools will supply face- coverings for students of staff that need them. As school opens next week, these measures will be reviewed with students. Medical exemptions may be requested by students or staff that believe they have a medical issue that prevents them from wearing a face covering. Please see the building principal if you wish to request a medical exemption.
As a reminder, parents/guardians should check their children each day for a fever and COVID-19 symptoms before sending them to school. If your child has a fever above 100.4, chills, shortness of breath, a new cough, or the loss of taste or smell, they SHOULD NOT attend school and SHOULD be evaluated by your healthcare provider.
If you have questions regarding face covering requirements or other COVID-19 protocols, please contact your child’s school.