
KES Mascot Black Bear Paws

The Elementary and

Secondary Education Act

of 1965, as amended

by the Every Student

Succeeds Act of 2015

Jackson County Schools LOGO


F - Find the starting point.

O - Organize the DATA.

C - Communicate the goals and action steps.

U - Utilize the Stakeholders.

S- Sustain the monitoring.

WV Standards for Effective Schools

GSA Scores 2023-24

GSA Achievement %

GSA Acheivement %

Goal 1

The school will maintain and communicate a purpose that commits to high expectations for success as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning.


Objective A

Shared Beliefs and Values

Action Steps:

Kenna Elementary has six core beliefs for our students, teachers, and communities.

  1. Every child can learn and succeed in a safe and orderly environment.

  2. Leadership and student engagement are keys to success.

  3. The administration and staff support student achievement.

  4. Community and global citizenship are important for all children.

  5. Family and community members are valuable partners to promote student achievement and success.

  6. The administration and faculty model lifelong learning by participating in activities that promote professional growth and improvement.

Mission: Kenna Elementary is growing respectful citizens and lifelong learners.

Objective B

High Expectations for All


Action Steps:

 1. APL Teaching Strategies

  1. APL strategies will be implemented in all prek-5th grade classrooms to increase engagement

  2. Bell ringers

  3. Partner collaboration

  4. Increase time on task

  5. Motivation of student learning

  6. Improvement of student behavior

2. Walkthroughs

  1. The principal will complete weekly walkthroughs in each classroom.

3. Weekly iReady Stars

4. Classroom/School Rules

5. Fidelity with teaching core curriculum (CKLA, Ready Math, mClass, Saxon Math)

6. Share expectations with stakeholders (PTO and LSIC)


Objective C

Safe, Orderly, and Engaging Environment


Action Steps:

  1. School Wide Behavior Program

    1. Students will track their behavior daily on a monthly calendar. The students can earn green, yellow, or red based on the choices of the day. Each grade level will have to earn a certain amount of greens per month to earn the monthly behavior reward.

    2. PBIS level charts are implemented in every classroom.

    3. Every classroom and teacher have the same expectations to ensure the students are well aware of the expectations in the school.

  2. School Wide Safety

    1. All doors are locked at all times

    2. Fire drills are completed once a month and two are completed within the first two weeks of the beginning of the school year

    3. Code Red practice drills are completed once every nine weeks

    4. Each staff member has a walkie talkie

    5. Monthly data meetings with Mrs. Goff

    6. Parent engagement activities and events

    7. “The Fridge” positive shout outs

    8. “Something Good” tickets

    9. 5th graders lead morning announcements

    10. iReady Stars

    11. Student of the week

    12. Weekly staff newsletters



Goal 2

Improve English Language Arts Accountability Measure by using high-yield instructional strategies to Meet Standards range for the 2024-25 school year.

Objective A-


Action Steps:

  1. Teachers will meet with Mrs. Goff on a monthly basis to go over their mastered standards, upcoming standards, academic growth, iReady data, areas of concern, and analyzing progress monitoring data. Teachers will create a monthly goal for ELA and writing/grammar. They will share data on how they progressed or met the goal the following month and identify specific strategies that helped students achieve academic success.

  2. Student data meetings with Mrs. Goff

  3. Data-driven instruction

  4. Walk to intervention

  5. mClass

  6. iReady

  7. IMA assessments for grades 3rd-5th

Objective B-

Core Instruction

 Action Steps:

County-Wide Adopted Curriculum

  1. Grades K-2 will use the CKLA Reading Curriculum

  2. Grades 3-5 will use Ready Reading, Ready Writing, SRA Spelling Curriculums

  3. Science of Reading

  4. “I can” statements posted daily

  5. Daily agendas shared with students

  6. Monthly AR grades for kindergarten-5th grade

Objective C-


Action Steps:

  1. Title 1 reading support

    1. mClass (reading)

    2. mClass progress monitoring

  2. Tiered instruction

  3. Small group instruction in every classroom

  4. Walk to intervention




Goal 3

Improve Math Accountability Measure by using high-yield instructional strategies to Meet Standards range for the 2024-25 school year.

Objective A-


Action Steps:

  1. Teachers will meet with Mrs. Goff on a monthly basis to go over their mastered standards, upcoming standards, academic growth, iReady data, areas of concern, and analyzing progress monitoring data. Teachers will create a monthly goal for math. They will share data on how they progressed or met the goal the following month and identify specific strategies that helped students achieve academic success.

  2. Student data meetings with Mrs. Goff

  3. Data-driven instruction

  4. Walk to intervention

  5. Saxon math

  6. iReady

  7. IMA assessments for grades 3rd-5th

Objective B-

Core Instruction

Action Steps:

County-Wide Adopted Curriculum

  1. Grades K-5th grade will implement Ready math instruction

  2. iReady

  3. “I can” statements posted daily

  4. Daily agendas shared with students

Objective C-


Action Steps:

  1. Title 1 Support

    1. Saxon Math

  2. Tired Instruction

  3. Small groups instruction in every classroom

  4. Walk to intervention



Goal 4

Improve Attendance Accountability Measure for the 2024-25 school year.


Objective A


Action Steps:

Teachers will submit attendance on a daily basis through the WVEIS 2.0 system. The secretary will enter in tardies and early dismissal for appropriate students. The school will only accept parent and doctor’s notes up to three instructional days after a student has returned from an absence from school.


Objective B


Action Steps:

  1. Daily behavior logs

  2. Class Dojo

  3. Parent phone calls made by Mrs. Goff

  4. Student recognition for perfect attendance after each nine weeks


Goal 5

Cultivate a workplace environment where professional growth is a priority to strengthen employees’ belonging and impact.


Objective A

Instructional Leadership

Action Steps:

  1. Create a mission and vision statement that describes the student and staff’s goals and expectations for Kenna Elementary.

  2. Share opportunities to make Kenna Elementary a better place for everyone. We are constantly growing and making improvements.

  3. Daily collaboration

  4. Walkthroughs and observations- provide feedback in a timely manner and allow time for discussion

  5. Reflect daily

Objective B

Professional Development

Action Steps:

County-Provided Professional Development

  1. APL training (for new and current employees)

  2. Safe schools training

  3. Teacher symposium

  4. ECCAT symposium

School-Based Professional Development

  1. Monthly PLCs

  2. Professional learning and curriculum development days

  3. APL (staff-based)

  4. ECCAT Expectations

  5. mCLass and Saxon math refreshers

  6. Whole brain teaching

  7. Active engagement


Objective C

Staff, Family, and Community Relationships

Action Steps:

  1. Staff

    1. Luncheons

    2. Flower fund

    3. Secret pals

    4. Staff appreciation week

  2. Family

    1. Two Title 1 family engagement nights

    2. Family engagement throughout the entire school year

    3. Open house

    4. Quarterly award ceremonies

    5. Weekly newsletters

    6. Monthly event calendar

  3. Community Relationships

    1. PTO

    2. LSIC

    3. Community stakeholders/partners in business